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Peer Mentoring supports the development of positive relationships in schools, colleges and business organisations. As a process, it is beneficial to both the mentee and the mentor: the mentee gains confidence and skills and the mentor develops their inter-personal skills.  Many businesses are finding that Peer Mentoring helps staff to gain new skills, increase their knowledge and benefit from increased collaboration.  The health and well-being of members of the organisation improve and a positive emotional climate is fostered.
Move to Maximise has used NLP techniques to develop a one day training programme in Peer Mentoring that covers:

  • Setting up a mentoring scheme
  • The role of a mentor
  • Setting boundaries
  • Building rapport
  • Communication skills
  • Exploring feelings
  • Creating positive solutions
  • Team work
  • Supporting mentors

The training is available at age appropriate levels for all age groups. To find out more click here.