Janice is passionate about enabling both children and adults to realise their full potential and enjoy learning. She is an experienced teacher, project manager and trainer, using a range of innovative strategies to support learning and build confidence.

She offers a combination of movement programmes, including Brain Gym®, Rhythmic Movement Training and the Exercise and Sound in Education (EASIE) programme, all of which focus on helping individuals make positive change and achieve their goals. As a trainer in all of these programmes, Janice is also qualified to train others to use them. She is also a Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner and a Touch for Health Instructor, which enables her to work with individuals holistically to support their emotional health and wellbeing.

Janice now works as a self-employed consultant and instructor and also runs a busy kinesiology practice with a varied client base.

Janice is happy to travel to teach and train students nationally and internationally. Please contact her if you would like to arrange a course in your area.